JACIR meets the cooling needs in any industry that transforms a raw material whose process generates heat. Our equipment, designed to evacuate calories to reuse the water heated by the process, allows reliable and durable use.
JACIR has specially developed X-STEEL stainless-steel, for the casing structure, of which corrosion resistance higher than L316 inox.
The design of our heavy-duty water cooling ranges is mainly focused on easy maintenance thanks to secured accessibility.

Plastic bottle manufacturer
In the United Kingdom, JACIR was chosen by a plastic bottle manufacturer on behalf of major brands, to ensure the installation of a TOPAZ NEO adiabatic cooler for the cooling of cold units’ process. Customer needs: The client wanted to install an adiabatic cooler in one of their factories on the other side of the […]

Iron & steel industry
With the support of our local partner KLIMATEKNIK, a leader in metallurgy in Turkey called on JACIR expertise to equip two production sites. Customer needs: Given the water stress that Turkey is experiencing, the client was primarily looking to generate water savings. The objective of the installation was to cool a network of chillers as […]

Glass industry
A key player in the glass industry in Qatar called on JACIR to meet specific cooling needs. JACIR solution: JACIR provided: Advantages for the client:

World leader in mineral specialties for industry
The world leader in mineral specialties for industry called on JACIR experts to replace its cooling towers. Client issue: The client had 4 cooling towers with crossed-flow technology with suspended sheet packing. Maintenance on this type of equipment is complicated. JACIR solutions: JACIR supplied 5 open circuit cooling towers from the KH series. Their casing is […]

Pneumatic industry
JACIR was given the task of replacing an ATM open circuit cooling tower in galvanized steel dating from 2001, with an SXF 1812 cooling tower for one of our clients, specializing in the pneumatic industry, based in the Czech Republic. The advantages of the realization: We want to thank SOKRA for their expertise, their trust […]

Tire industry
In order to ensure the modernization of its cooling installations, the client, the world leader in the tire industry, called on the expertise of JACIR. The TOPAZ NEO adiabatic cooler was the ideal solution for this major client. The installation took place in two stages:

Aluminium Production Site
Jacir has delivered 2 KXH open circuit cooling towers to an aluminium production site. The target: JACIR solutions:

JACIR is proud to have obtained, once again, the trust of the ALPLA group for the delivery of a TOPAZ adiabatic cooler on its site in Mladenovic, Serbia. The motivations: The plastic packaging cooling production line thanks to the TOPAZ NEO adiabatic cooler by evacuating 900kW, Equipped with Media, it does not generate any water […]

Paper mill
Jacir has delivered 4 RXC cooling towers for a pulp mill in the Baden-Württemberg region of Germany. The RC cooling towers, equipped with the X-STREAM exchange surface, are specially designed for factories such as sugar mills, paper mills, metallurgy, etc. The RC cooling towers, equipped with X-STREAM infill, are optimised to cool heavy water with […]

An industrial client in the metallurgy sector trusted JACIR for health security and optimisation of the lowest water temperatures in its cooling network. The motivations: Optimisation of closed-circuit cooling in order to control the temperature of discharge water (saturated with pollution with high temperatures in summer) guaranteeing water at 26°C all year round without service […]

RH cooling tower, in order to cool water in the metallurgical sector In 2004, JACIR provided a suitable solution for cooling particularly heavy water from a metal shot manufacturing process. In 2008, on the same site, the JACIR towers with extractable inner body were again chosen to replace old towers. Located above the settling basin, […]

Coated fabric industry
An industrial company in the field of coated fabrics has selected JACIR to replace its open cooling towers with an adiabatic dryer. What were the reasons for this choice? The advantages of the TOPAZ NEO dry adiabatic system also played a role in the decision: